The Qi Spot Lounge
attention: Federal employees with bluecross blueshield
Standard - Deductible applies ($350 Deductible - Individual), patient responsibility is 15% coinsurance per visit, 24 Acupuncture visits per year
Basic - Deductible waived, $40 co-pay per visit, 10 Acupuncture visits per year.
***Patients with regence BCBS Insurance***
Please Note: We do not take Regence insurance that requires pre-authorization unless you get approval first. Please check to see if you require pre-authorization before you come in for an appointment. If you plan on using your Regence insurance, you need to wait to receive pre-authorization before you come in for a visit, otherwise you will be charged for the full visit at the time of service.
Patients with other Medical Insurance
If you have medical insurance coverage, please fill it in your Health History Form. You may be covered for Acupuncture and not even know it. Most insurance companies in the US, especially Oregon, Washington and California cover acupuncture, but health plans vary. We can also check your insurance coverage if you are not able to or not sure. Make sure you fill out all the necessary and correct information from your card.
Currently, our Acupuncturist, Wade McCulloch, is an In-Network provider for many insurance companies including Regence, BlueCross BlueSheild, Kaiser, Moda Health, United HealthCare, Cigna, Cigna Greatwest Pacific Source, Aetna, HealthNet, Providence Health Plan and more and all auto accident insurance from patients with Auto injuries. Even though out-of-network, he also takes UMR for Legacy Employees.
Patients with Auto Accident Insurance
If you were in an Auto accident within the last year (Oregon Residents) or 2 years (Washington State Residents) and have filed a claim for your accident, and you are experiencing any sort of pain, your Acupuncture treatments are covered 100%. You do not need a referral from your doctor and you do not need to pay anything out-of-pocket. Just fill in the Auto Accident insurance information with the claim number in your Health History Form and we will verify everything for you.
Patients with High Deductible Medical Plans
Patients with medical plans that have high deductibles from their employer, may have Health Savings Accounts, Health Reimbursement Accounts or Flexible Spending Accounts, to compensate them for their Healthcare spending.
Please Note: We do not take OHP, Medicare or Medicaid Programs yet.
If you are a low-income Veteran, low-income retiree, low-income student, or are disabled, and have OHP, Medicare or Medicaid and are in need of Acupuncture, please email us directly to see how we can help you.
If you urgently need to check if you have Acupuncture benefits but do not know what questions to ask or how to proceed, please click on this link that will guide you through your Insurance call: What Questions should I ask my Insurance Company
Before we check your insurance, be sure to read the information below.
I understand, that as a courtesy, The Qi Spot has offered to check if I have Acupuncture benefits under my insurance plan.
Insurance Disclaimer:
“A quote of benefits and/or authorization does not guarantee payment or verify
eligibility. Payment of benefits are subject to all terms, conditions, limitations,
and exclusions of the member’s contract at time of service.”
I understand that benefits sent to me by the Qi Spot, are benefits quoted by my insurance company and the Qi Spot is not responsible for any information that is not quoted correctly or left out by my insurance company.
I am therefore responsible to verify my benefits especially if it does not match my benefit handbook.
Insurance Liability for Payment:
Your health insurance company will only pay for services that it determines to
be “reasonable and necessary.” If your health insurance company determines that a particular service is not
reasonable and necessary, or that a particular service is not covered under
your plan, your insurer will deny payment for that service.
Beneficiary Agreement:
I understand that my health insurance company may deny payment for some
services unknown to my provider. If my health insurance
company denies payment, I agree to be personally and fully responsible for
payment. I also understand that if my health insurance company does make
payment for services, I will be responsible for any co-payment, deductible, or
coinsurance that applies.