Last month, a friend of mine from high school, overdosed on painkillers and died. Since then, I have decided to fully commit to a pain program that is profound. Even if no one ever hears about my clinic, I've at least done as much as I can to offer a natural solution to pain, instead of a deadly addictive pharmaceutical drug that kills.
The pain protocol is as follows.
#1. My style of acupuncture is unique. It took me 10 years and a doctorate to develop it. 99% of acupuncturists out there do not practice my style. I get rid of a significant portion of pain immediately.
#2. I invested in a 'cold laser'. While a lot of clinics have cold lasers, our's is top of the line (the price for it was high, but you get what you pay for) It was a huge financial investment. But what it offers is 'local' therapy. Since I do not needle locally near the pain, this offers a scientifically proven way to relieve pain. When used with my style of acupuncture, it is very effective.
#3. To take home, in-between visits, we are offering Oral Hemp seed oil. This is the isolated chemical that helps with pain. There is ZERO THC (the stuff that get's you high) in this oil. It is strictly for reducing pain.
#4. Topical Hemp seed oil. Rub this on pain, and it will decrease the pain in specific areas. Whereas the oral is for inflammation and systemic chronic pain.
We have worked with a local company to create the strongest oil you can buy, at affordable cost.
TOGETHER, I feel these treatments combined can significantly reduce pain, naturally. There is no need for over the counter pain medications with side effects and warnings of addiction and overdose.
Please let anyone you know that has pain, or is taking pain medications that there is a natural solution. Lives literally depend on it.