AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT Injury Rehab Through Acupuncture

If you have been involved in an automobile accident you are entitled to receive care for your injuries sustained in the accident with no out-of-pocket expense to you, all costs are covered under your Personal Injury Protect (PIP) portion of your auto insurance. Acupuncture and Massage are covered. Acupuncture is one of the most effective treatments to whiplash pain. To receive acupuncture therapy you do not need a script from your primary physician. You are entitled to up to a year of acupuncture therapy free of charge. We also do massage, and for that you need a script from your primary care doctor recommending 1-2 massages per week. If you are having trouble getting a script let me know and I can help you attain one.  Call us if you have more questions, or email us at

Acupuncture is a gentle yet deeply effective way to treat a number of injuries including:

  • Whiplash

  • Neck Pain

  • Pins and Needles

  • Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

  • Back Pain

  • Sciatica 

  • And more

Wade McCulloch, L.Ac. has been working with Physical Therapists and Massage therapists to create a comprehensive treatment plan to help victims of auto accidents get out of pain and fully recover from their injuries without having to resort to surgery. 

Acupuncture and Massage, both offered at The Qi Spot are one of the most affordable modalities covered under your Personal Injury Protect (PIP).  Each session is approximately one hour and will help you to release the muscular tension that is causing pain and discomfort.

portland acupuncture for auto accident pip whiplash pain